Fun Indoor Party Games for Kids

indoor party games

Desperate for active games to play when you're stuck inside? These fun indoor party games and indoor activities for children will provide hours of entertainment!

No doubt, given a choice, my family prefers to play outside where there’s lots of room to run around, no walls or ceilings to get in the way, no furniture to break, lots of sunshine, and plenty of fresh air.

indoor party games

However, going outside isn’t always an option. 

Mother Nature has a way of messing up kids’ plans sometimes. As a kid, there wasn’t much I hated more than a cold, rainy day!

That meant no recess at school, no after-school sports practices or games, and no playing in the yard with my friends when I got home.

Now as a parent, bad weather means stir-crazy youngsters bouncing off the walls dying to expend some of their pent-up energy.

The activities listed below are guaranteed to make being inside fun!

Here are a few ideas to spur your imagination so you can create more fun indoor games of your own!

indoor party games

Round up some sheets and blankets, pieces of furniture, big pillows, and suitcases, and you’ve got the beginnings of a great indoor obstacle course.

indoor party games

Grab a few small containers like trash cans, plastic cups, boots, or shoe boxes, along with a tennis ball and a wooden spoon, and you’ve got the makings of a miniature golf course.

Gather some balloons, beach balls, balled up socks, or wads of paper and you've got endless possibilities for indoor ball games that tear up your house.

Start looking around, and you'll be surprised what you've got laying around the house that can be turned into some incredibly fun indoor activities for children.

indoor party games
indoor party games
indoor party games

Our collection of indoor party games allows you to entertain even the most energetic kids!

Some of our games can be played with just a few people, while others can accommodate up to 30+ players (for those with plenty of indoor space!)

The list of free kid games below can be modified to fit a variety of room sizes, available equipment, ages, and abilities.

What they do share in common is fun!

So, whether you're...

  • a parent looking for great indoor birthday party games for kids
  • a teacher stuck in the classroom with a bunch of fidgety kids
  • a family wanting to spend some fun quality time together for family game night
  • or a bored kid looking for some excitement

...You’re sure to find a game you'll enjoy!

Your kids will have so much fun with these games, they may not even miss being outside!

indoor party games
indoor party games

But our fun indoor games are just the beginning...

Browse our complete list of kids sports activities for plenty of outdoor fun as well.

We are adding to the list regularly, so please check back for more great ideas!

Kids Indoor Party Games

Backside Volleyball

Clean Up Your Mess!

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