Play Kid Games
Steal the Bacon

Want to boost your child's fitness? Play kid games that require a lot of movement and are good cardiovascular activities. This website will provide you with a list of cool games to play that will wear your kids out!

Why is this a great game?

If you play kid games like Steal the Bacon, it's probably because you're around some very active and competitive kids! Games like this one are fun because they aren't too difficult, everyone takes a turn, and the excitement energizes everyone to try their best.

Steal the Bacon is also great because there is little set up and no specific equipment needed.

Play kid games
Steal the Bacon

Ages: 5+

# of Players: 6-16

Equipment: beanbag, ball, stick (any item that can easily be carried)

Set Up

  • Divide players into 2 teams and give each player a number beginning with #1 up to the number of players on the team.
  • Players line up at either end of the playing area and sit facing each other.
  • Place the beanbag (“bacon”) in the center of the playing area.


  • The leader calls out a number and the 2 players with the same number run out to the center and try to grab the “bacon” without getting tagged by the other player.


  • The first person to grab the bacon and run back to his line without being tagged by the other player scores one point.
  • If the player is tagged, no points are scored.

Secrets for a Great Time

  • Adjust the size of the playing area to the skill level, size, and number of players.
  • Pair people up according to size, skill level, etc. so the competition will be more even.

For a Twist

  • Call out 2 or 3 numbers. (Increase the beanbags to match the number of players called.)
  • Use a soccer ball (or floor hockey ball with sticks) and have players dribble the ball back across their own team’s line or into a designated goal area. If the player can kick (or hit) the ball through the goal on his side, the player scores 2 points for the team. If the ball is kicked (or hit) to either side of the goal, 1 point is scored. You can also call 2 or 3 numbers at a time and let them play 2-on-2 or 3-on-3.

To play more kid games that will boost your children's heart rates, browse through our entire list of kids sports activities.

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